Acque Reflue


Wastewater is frequently discharged on the ground without any treatment. This practice favours the diffusion of infective diseases, due to the presence of pathogens in human and animal faeces..

Some Data

  • In the world 2.5 billion of people (half of inhabitants in DCs) lack even a simple “improved” latrine.

  • Sanitation facilities coverage in urban areas: 79% in the world; 100% in Industrialized Countries; 71% in DCs.

  • Sanitation facilities coverage in rural areas: 45% in the world; 96% in Industrialized Countries; 39% in DCs

Our projects

  • "Trattamento delle acque grigie mediante fitodepurazione nella scuola di Mathare a Nairobi (Kenya, 2016)" in collaboration with Live in Slums (2016);

  • “Bonifica di terreni e acque contaminati da attività produttive informali, Colombia”, in collaboration with ACVC (Asociación Campesina del Valle del rio Cimitarra), Colombia;

  • “Integrated environmental sanitation concepts for poor, underserved and peri-urban areas of Iringa Municipality (Tanzania)" in collaboration with ACRA(MI);

  • “Accès à l'assainissement et aux bonnes pratiques d'hygiène dans la Commune de Bignona et Transgambienne, Sénégal” in collaboration with ACRA (MI);

  • “Una filiera sostenibile del risanamento. Le soluzioni di mercato come risposta ai problemi di accesso ai servizi igienici di base nella provincia di Maputo, Mozambico”, in collaboration with ACRA (MI);

  • “Gestione degli impianti di depurazione delle acque reflue industriali in Brasile”, in collaboration with PROAMB, Brasile;

  • “Gestione delle acque reflue nel quartiere di Moscù (Ciuad Guayana, Venezuela)” in collaboration with SVI (2010-2012);

    • “Gestione delle acque in una scuola a Nairobi”in collaboration with AMANI and Koinonia (2009-2011);

    • “Analisi della situazione ambientale a Larache (Marocco)” in collaboration with CESVI (2009);

  • “Reuse of wastewater in agriculture”, in collaboration with ASM Brescia SpA, the Agricultural Institute “G. Pastori” of Brescia and “Spedali Civili” of Brescia (2001-2008);

  • “Management of environmental issues of Nanoro hospital (Burkina Faso)”, in collaboration with Medicus Mundi (2008).

  • “Integrated project for sustainable development of the basin area of the river Pojuca, State of Bahia (Brazil)”, in collaboration with the University of Insubria (2007);

  • “Techniques for enhancement and recovery of livestock waste in developing countries (2007)”;

  • “Recovery and development of the Rwenzori National Park in Uganda”, in collaboration with AVSI and Stay Human (2007);

  • “Waste water from the Saint Luke's Hospital in Wolisso (ETHIOPIA)”, in collaboration with Medici con Africa - CUAMM (2006);