Drinking Water


Water is defined as "drinking" when it does not contain pathogens or chemicals that can harm human health

WHO hnologies for water treatment using natural pr , in collaboration with University of Dakar and the University of Pavia;

“Issues relating to the management of drinking water in the distribution network Chacas” , in collaboration with the Association MATO GROSSO (Peru);

“A well of water in Figuil (Cameroon)” , in collaboration with the non-profit association CAMSTU BS (2008);

"Disinfection technologies for drinking water in developing countries (2007)" ;

"" Effect of the tsunami on water quality and ecology of vectors and intermediate hosts potentially involved in the transmission of human diseases in the province of Phang-Nga (Thailand) " , in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of Brescia, Brescia Medicus Mundi ( 2004 - 2007).

“Appropriate solutions for removing arsenic from drinking water in West Bengal and Bangladesh” , in collaboration with the DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark) (2006);

“Treatment and distribution of potable water to villages south of Kolkata” , in collaboration with SISM (2004);

“Monitoring of surface water resources in Ghana” , in collaboration with the WRC (Water Resources Commission) of Ghana, Ghana Meteorological and Hydrological Services and the University of Accra (2002);

“Monitoring and possible treatment for the purification of groundwater in the Sololá in Kenya” Vilanculo Municipality (Mozambique) 3% of total population) drink water from an unimproved source; about 54% of whom live in Asia and 38% in Africa (JMP, 2008);

  • Unsafe drinking water, along with poor sanitation and hygiene, account for approximately 94% of the total diarrhoeal diseases worldwide (WHO, 2006);

  • 1.8 million people die every year from diarrhoeal diseases (including cholera); 90% are children under 5, mostly in Developing Countries (WHO, 2004).

Our projects

  • "Water Safety Plan (WSP) nelle comunità rurali in Senegal" (2011);

  • "Monitoraggio dela qualità delle acque ad uso umano trattate con filtri ceramici" in collaboration with "Missouri University of Science and Technology";

  • "Empowering conditions for good water governance - a financial and economically suistanable model in Vilanculo, Mozambico" in collaboration with Acque del Chiampo (Arzignano, VI) and Vilanculo Municipality (Mozambico);

  • "Contributo al miglioramento della qualità dell'acqua potabile nella regione di Diourbel (Senegal)" in collaboration with Fondazione G. Tovini, Brescia;

  • "Progetto integrato "acqua e salute" nel Distretto Sanitario di Garango in Burkina Faso" in collaboration with Medicus Mundi Italia, Brescia;

    • "Trattamento di disinfezione delle acque destinate al consumo umano attraverso l'utilizzo di un concentratore solare parabolico a Babonè, Camerun" in collaboration with A.D.A. Onlus ( Brescia) university of Dschang (Camerun) ( 2010-2012);

  • "Tecnologie per il trattamento dell'acqua mediante prodotti naturali in Ciad e Camerun" in collaboration with ACRA and the Universities of N'Djamena (Ciad) and Ngaoundéré (Camerun);

  • “Removal of fluoride from ground water in Senegal”, in collaboration with University of Dakar and the University of Pavia;

  • “Issues relating to the management of drinking water in the distribution network Chacas”, in collaboration with the Association MATO GROSSO (Peru);

  • “A well of water in Figuil (Cameroon)”, in collaboration with the non-profit association CAMSTU BS (2008);

  • “Disinfection technologies for drinking water in developing countries (2007)”;

  • “"Effect of the tsunami on water quality and ecology of vectors and intermediate hosts potentially involved in the transmission of human diseases in the province of Phang-Nga (Thailand)”, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of Brescia, Brescia Medicus Mundi (2004 - 2007).

  • “Appropriate solutions for removing arsenic from drinking water in West Bengal and Bangladesh”, in collaboration with the DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark) (2006);

  • “Treatment and distribution of potable water to villages south of Kolkata”, in collaboration with SISM (2004);

  • “Monitoring of surface water resources in Ghana”, in collaboration with the WRC (Water Resources Commission) of Ghana, Ghana Meteorological and Hydrological Services and the University of Accra (2002);

  • “Monitoring and possible treatment for the purification of groundwater in the Sololá in Kenya”, in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Milan, CCM of Turin and British NGOs (Action Against Hunger) (2001);