
CeTAmb was created during the 6th Sanitary Engineering Day of Study, titled "Environmental management in Developing Countries: recovery of resources from solid wastes and appropriate technologies", carried out at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Brescia on 7th May 1999. The Centre’s aim is to conduct research on appropriate technical solutions, capable of facing environmental issues in Developing Countries. This research is performed within the University, but has important effects on external educational and productive activities. CeTAmb collaborates with partners in Low and Middle Income Countries, such as NGOs or universities, to carry out research and education activities. In particular, the Centre’s specific aims are:

    • promoting contacts with other Universities and Secondary Schools, Research Centres and NGOs, in order to encourage international cooperation activities;

    • favouring the spreading of information about cooperation thanks to the creation of a documentation centre (library, information net, web site, archives) and databases as well as the publication of periodical reports;

    • encouraging, coordinating and performing research projects and interdisciplinary collaboration with Developing Countries, as well as other foreign Countries dealing with international cooperation;

    • favouring cultural exchanges between students and teaching staff through placements by universities and Developing Countries local activities;

    • organizing specific conferences in university courses and secondary schools aiming to increase the focus on environmental management in Developing Countires;

    • promoting, in collaboration with Italian and foreign research centres, local productive activities and Private and Public agencies, the organization of research activities, as well as national and international conferences, in order to spread carried out researches.

The creation of this Centre was supported by a lot of local organizations: from universities and secondary schools to local agencies and NGOs already performing projects in Developing Countries.